منتديات التدريب الدولي
Digital transformation is accelerating—be at the forefront! Join us to learn how. - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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+--- الموضوع : Digital transformation is accelerating—be at the forefront! Join us to learn how. (/thread-41996.html)

Digital transformation is accelerating—be at the forefront! Join us to learn how. - manaryas - 03-18-2025

"The world of digital transformation is accelerating, and you deserve to be at the forefront! Join us to discover how."
🌍 An international conference bringing together prominent business leaders, technology experts, and decision-makers to explore the latest leadership strategies in the era of digital transformation.
Key Themes of the Conference: 📅 Date: April 7–11, 2025
📍 Location: Madrid, Spain
🚩 Don't miss your chance to be one of the pioneers of the future!
📱 To register, scan the QR code now.
📲 For more information:
🔗 https://wa.me/201067580194
📩 Email: manarkhaled@europeanqualitytc.com
🌐 Website: www.europeanqualitytc.com